Categories: Pregnancy Trimesters

Third Trimester of Pregnancy Week By Week, Symptoms And Ultrasound

Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Week by Week

Third Trimester27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

The third trimester is the last phase of pregnancy before birth. It’s a very emotionally and physically challenging for a woman. During this time the baby gains weight and his organs and functions are complete.

The 3rd trimester pregnancy starts at the seventh month and ends after the ninth month when the baby is born. Weeks 27th to 30th are included in seventh, weeks 31st to 35th are in eighth and 36th till 40 onwards are included in the ninth month of pregnancy.


What to Eat During Third Trimester of Pregnancy

A mother knows that a proper diet is best for pregnancy. A baby is dependent on his mother for nutrients and it is up to a mother to eat a healthy diet.  His brain, bones, organs, lungs, and eyes are at a developing stage and they have extra nutritional needs. There are so many food items and it becomes difficult to choose any. Some vital items to be eaten during the pregnancy are as follows:

  • Protein-rich food- A baby requires proteins for the development of tissues and muscles. Most protein-rich food has high contents of zinc and iron that helps in preventing preterm delivery and low-birth weight. Such items are beef, turkey, green salads, pork, chicken and beans
  • Eggs- These are very healthy as they aid in cell functions, memory development, and overall growth. Eggs can be eaten as omelets, boiled or scrambled
  • Salmon- Salmon is very healthy as it is rich in Omega-3. It will help in the development of the brain and nervous system.
  • Nuts- This is a good option for snacks and they contain protein, fiber, and fats
  • Fruits- Fresh fruits are always healthy for mother and her baby. Doctors advise against eating papaya and pineapple during pregnancy and besides them, a mother can eat any fruit she desires
  • Fresh vegetables- This is best for a baby especially green ones as they provide necessary nutrients.

Third Trimester of Pregnancy Symptoms

By the time the third trimester of pregnancy arrives a woman starts aching all over. She feels tired and is now waiting eagerly for her due date. Symptoms intensify during this period and growing uterus puts undue pressure on a mother.

Some common pregnancy symptoms of the third trimester are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in hips, thighs, knees, and groin
  • Frequent urination
  • Leaking urine is a common problem towards the end of the third trimester
  • Breathlessness
  • Tailbone pain
  • Stretch marks near abdomen, thighs, and breasts
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions
  • Pain in Round ligaments
  • Pain in the back area
  • Itchy skin around breasts, thighs, and abdomen
  • Breasts leaking a thick fluid colostrums
  • Gas and Constipation
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings

Third Trimester of Pregnancy Ultrasound

During a third trimester, a doctor may advise an ultrasound. This scan shows the baby’s heartbeat and heart rate. It also helps in measuring his height so that a doctor can know the rate at which growth is occurring.

At the start of the third trimester, a scan shows a baby with different facial expressions and the baby’s arms and legs. By the end of the third trimester, he looks exactly the same as he would after birth. A scan at this time also shows exact birth position of a baby.


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Stephanie McClane

Stephanie McClane is a mother of three and enjoys sharing the knowledge she gathered throughout her pregnancies. After approaching her last two pregnancies from a more holistic prespective and having two natural births, she was inspired to share her experiences with other moms-to-be.

Published by
Stephanie McClane
Tags: month 10 pregnantmonth 7 pregnantmonth 8 pregnantmonth 9 pregnantThird Trimesterweek 27 pregnantweek 28 pregnantweek 29 pregnantweek 30 pregnantweek 31 pregnantweek 32 pregnantweek 33 pregnantweek 34 pregnantweek 35 pregnantweek 36 pregnantweek 37 pregnantweek 38 pregnantweek 39 pregnantweek 40 pregnant

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