Categories: Common Health Issues

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy: Causes And Treatment

What is The Meaning of the Word Hemorrhoids?

A hemorrhoid is a medical condition where the veins in the lower rectum and the anus area become reddened and swollen. Many people suffer from this disease after the age of fifty. Bleeding, discomfort and itching are some of its important attributes. However, hemorrhoids during pregnancy area very common ailment especially in the latter half of the pregnancy.

Causes of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

There are numerous causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and some of them are as follows-

  • The movements of the bowel cause undue strain and pressure. This leads to the swelling of veins that proves painful for the pregnant woman.
  • Constipation also exerts pressure on the anus and the veins surrounding it.
  • Sitting for a very long duration at the same place causes hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  • Infections in the anal area are also a cause for hemorrhoids.
  • Some diseases also cause hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  • As the uterus grows in size it starts putting pressure to the veins that are located in the lower part of the body resulting in hemorrhoids.
  • The hormones during pregnancy cause the relaxation of veins thus making them to swell quite easily.

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Types of Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are at the inner side of the anus whereas External hemorrhoids happen at the outer side of the anus.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

Treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is possible through natural home remedies as well as by medications.

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

It is quite common to treat hemorrhoid during pregnancy with natural remedy, as they do not cause any harm to the mother as well as the unborn child. Some simple changes in the lifestyle can produce amazing results. The numerous home remedies are as follows-

  • Drinking water and fluids – A pregnant woman should drink at least ten glasses of water along with fruit juices.
  • Eating habits- Eating habits has a great impact on the pregnancy as a stable and healthy diet helps the body to fight against hemorrhoids. Food items that are rich in fiber like cereals, raw fruits and vegetables help the pregnant mother as well as her unborn child.
  • Regular exercises – It is necessary to take the advice of the doctor before undertaking any sort of physical activities during pregnancy. If possible then light exercises and walking is suitable for pregnant women. This helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system so that hemorrhoids do not occur.
  • Regular passing of the urine – It is prudent to urinate frequently. As soon as the urge strikes, the pregnant woman should pass the urine because delaying may cause problems while passing the stool.
  • Excessive weight gain – During pregnancy it is sensible to stay within the parameters and guidelines provided by the gynecologists. Excessive amount of weight will put undue pressure on the abdominal region thus causing hemorrhoids.
  • Changing of positions while sitting, standing and even lying down is prudent so that pressure does not fall on the lower part.
  • The rectal area can be soaked in warm water to provide relief.
  • Application of ice packs also eases the pain in and around anus.

Medications to Relief From Hemorrhoids

Creams and lotions that provide relief from hemorrhoids in pregnancy are available in the market. Apply them after consultation with the doctor. Stool softeners that have been cleared by the doctor may prove beneficial in a pregnancy.


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Stephanie McClane

Stephanie McClane is a mother of three and enjoys sharing the knowledge she gathered throughout her pregnancies. After approaching her last two pregnancies from a more holistic prespective and having two natural births, she was inspired to share her experiences with other moms-to-be.

Published by
Stephanie McClane

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