Green Tea And Its Impact During Pregnancy
Originally, from China, Green tea is enjoyed in almost all the countries worldwide as a beverage that is beneficial with medicinal qualities. In pregnancy, it is prudent to drink it in moderation as it has caffeine contents that are harmful for an unborn child. It is sensible to avoid it in first trimester as that is the time of actual growth and development of a baby. It is allegedly safe in second and third trimester, when taken in limited capacity. Doctors’ advice plenty of food items that are folate-rich to counter any side effects of green tea.
Beneficial Qualities of Green Tea
Is Green Tea Safe During Pregnancy? Yes, green tea is safe during pregnancy if a female drinks it in limited capacity. Some benefits of drinking green tea are as follows:-
- Green tea has anti-oxidant properties that help to prevent any damage to cells of a baby
- Green tea has anti-cancer fighting properties
- Moderate intake of green tea during pregnancy keeps blood pressure normal
- It has an ability to prevent preeclampsia by keeping high levels of blood pressure in check
- Regular but moderate consumption of green tea helps in stabilizing mood swings
- Anti-oxidant compounds in tea increases rate of metabolism
- It helps in improving bone strength
- Consumption of green tea during pregnancy provides protection against diseases of heart
- Green tea has special ingredients that maximizes regulatory T-cells, thus boosting immune system of a body. During pregnancy various hormonal changes suppresses the immune system, but consumption of green tea will help in fighting off various illness
- It has properties that help in digestion process and therefore prevents stomach upsets and reduces indigestion
- During pregnancy women are afflicted with gingivitis because of ever changing hormones but drinking green tea helps in improving oral health
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Risks of Green Tea in Pregnancy
Although green tea is supposed to have a variety of medicinal qualities that are beneficial but still it’s drinking remains a controversial issue during pregnancy. Some medical experts advise against green tea intake whereas others recommend its drinking in moderate quantities. Some risks of drinking it are as follows-
- Too much of green tea decreases chances of conception
- Green tea reduces absorption of folic acid and causes serious harm to baby. It can cause defects in neural tube
- Is green tea ok during pregnancy if it crosses the permissible limits? No, it is not as it will cause serious harm to foetus as a single cup of green tea has nearly twenty mg of caffeine content
- Drinking of green tea regularly can minimize levels of blood flow to developing baby and hamper its growth
- High intake of caffeine leads to miscarriages, therefore it is vital to limit drinking of green tea
- Consistent consumption can result in still birth
- Too much of green tea can lead to lower body weight in a baby at the time of birth
- Drinking green tea during pregnancy at regular intervals is not sensible as caffeine contents act as a diuretic. This causes frequent urination and loss of water from body and therefore proves harmful for a baby. It can result in dehydration also