Categories: Pregnancy Week By Week

What to Expect in Week 7 of Your Pregnancy

Seven Week of Pregnancy: Week by Week

First Trimester3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Get ready for the big news about 7th week of pregnancy. This is the time when the hands and feet of your baby emerge from the arms as well as the legs. They look very much like paddles at this point of time rather than those tiny little hands and legs which you would be dreaming of.

The baby at 7 week pregnancy is still considered as embryo and has something which looks like a small tail which actually is the extension of the tailbone of the baby. You need not worry as this would disappear in just few weeks. You baby too is grown double in size when compared to the earlier week and measures like at half an inch.


7 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms and Body Changes

With the changes occurring in your baby, you can as well see a number of changes in you as well. Let us have a look at some of the 7 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms which you can expect.

  • Your uterus has now doubled in its size now and eating now becomes more like a chore now. Some also have a double dose of the morning sickness but for some this might as well reduce.
  • Your blood volume sees a rise and due to which you might need to pee more often. As the size of your uterus is increasing you will see the pressure increase on your bladder as well.
  • You would have 10% of more blood when compared to before pregnancy and by the end of pregnancy you will certainly have 45% more blood in your veins so as to meet the demands of your growing baby.
  • In case of 7 Weeks Pregnant with Twins you will feel very tired than normal during this period. This is because as your body is indeed working overtime as it has to produce two real healthy babies. In cases of twins you can also expect more heartburn as the uterus is much larger than the normal pregnancy.
  • Cramping is known to be very common during early pregnancy. 7 weeks pregnancy cramping can include stomach cramps which are mild and there is nothing to worry about it. But you can still mention the same to your doctor when you go in for your visit.

Read: 6 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms And Spotting: What To Expect

7 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

In the next few weeks you can get ready for a prenatal visit where the mail goal is to check as to how your pregnancy is proceeding. The practitioner will certainly ask you some questions or you can discuss about your worries with them. They check your weight and blood pressure and urine and also measure the size of your abdomen.

Your 7 Weeks Pregnant Belly has to be a bit larger when compared to the last time you visited the doctor. They then check the position of your baby and also hear the heartbeat of and perform other tests.

It is during this period that most women would go in for their first ultrasound. 7 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound is necessary and lets us have a look at some of the reasons for the same.

  • The scan during this period helps to access gestational age of the fetus.
  • Ultrasound during this stage is also very helpful to detect any blood loss in the mother.
  • Helps to confirm the heartbeat presence.
  • The size of the baby can be checked with the help of the ultrasound and the doctor checks if the baby is at the right size as per the gestational age.

An ultrasound during this time also used to confirm the presence about one or more embryos as well as gestational sacs.

So, this is time when you need to take real good care of yourself and get enough rest. Any worries do get in touch with your doctor to make sure that everything is just OK.

Preparing for Your Baby in Regards to Health During Week 7

At week seven, you are unlikely to be showing yet. However, you may have put on a couple of pounds in weight, and your pants and trousers may feel distinctively tighter. You will also notice that your skin is starting to change. Perhaps you will have a pregnancy glow, but it is equally likely that you break out in acne spots. It is vital, at this point, that you continue to take your multivitamins and folic acid. You should also remove all DEET products and other such chemicals from your home. Lastly, keep getting enough sleep at night, as you are likely to often feel very tired.


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Stephanie McClane

Stephanie McClane is a mother of three and enjoys sharing the knowledge she gathered throughout her pregnancies. After approaching her last two pregnancies from a more holistic prespective and having two natural births, she was inspired to share her experiences with other moms-to-be.

Published by
Stephanie McClane
Tags: First trimesterMonth 2 Pregnantweek 7 pregnant

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