An expectant mother has stepped in 38th week of pregnancy and is now well advanced in her ninth month. Babies born during this week have excellent chances of survival without unnecessary complications.
One positive thing that occurs in 38th week of pregnancy is that symptoms like heartburn and indigestion eases away because a baby drops lower in pelvic area. This allows more internal space and lungs are now able to stretch and this provides relief to symptoms like breathlessness and pain in chest.
One adverse effect is that pressure doubles on a bladder and it results in an increase in frequency of urination. It can cause urine leakage at time of laughing and sneezing
Weight gain is no longer prominent and breasts continue to leak colostrums. Vagina also starts effacing and dilating and this is because it is preparing for a baby’s birth.
Most Recommended Link: 30 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms and Ultrasound
Labor pains can start in 38th week of pregnancy as a woman is quite close to her due date. Following are some important signs of labor-
Ultrasounds are not necessary in 38th week of pregnancy until and unless a doctor suspects a breech birth and he needs to check position of a baby. If ECV is required, then some doctors prefer Ultrasound so that they may keep an eye while trying to change his position in womb.
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