Categories: Pregnancy Week By Week

What to Expect in Week 35 of Your Pregnancy

Thirty-fifth Week of Pregnancy: Week by Week

Third Trimester27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

AWhen a woman reaches 35th week of her pregnancy, it means that she is at the end of her eighth month and in just a week she will be entering ninth month. In this week it seems as if two-third of her third trimester is almost over and her due date is fast approaching.


As soon as an expectant mother reaches pregnancy at 35 weeks survival chances of a baby increases to nearly 98%. In case of preterm birth a baby will arrive with better chances as he/she can now survive on its own without any undue complications.

I’m 35 Weeks Pregnant What Should I Expect?

As soon as a mother reaches 35th week of pregnancy, her uterus is now nearly 6 inches above her bellybutton. Expectant weight gain of mother during this period is in between 24 and 29 pounds and in cases of either more or less, consultation with doctor becomes necessary.

Uterus is in a growing stage and it puts pressure on ribcage and lungs and at the same time it jostles away some internal organs. It is one of the main reasons for frequency in urination and leakage of urine during coughing, sneezing or excessive laughing.

Recommended Read: 34 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Ultrasound, Baby Weight: What to Expect

At 35 Weeks Pregnant My Baby’s Weight & Position

Baby at 35 weeks has completed most of his/her growth and development. Although there are numerous changes during this week but in general terms, he/she is even ready to come in this world in case of any emergency. Following fetal developments are seen during 35th week pregnancy-

  • Lungs of 35 weeks fetus are almost developed and therefore are ready for its main function of breathing air in and out, once it comes out of its mother’s womb in to this world. Kidneys at this week have matured fully and liver keeps growing and processing waste materials of fetus.
  • This gestation period at 35 weeks is very important for a baby. Development of brain happens at this time as neurons continue to form brain connection. This enables a baby in receiving stimulation as soon as they are born.
  • External appearance of an unborn baby at 35 weeks pregnancy is quite similar to a newborn baby. He will look nearly same with facial features fully developed. His fingernails and toenails have reached their proper position that is fingertips and toe. In some cases, tiny scratches are seen on delicate skin of newborn babies and this is so because in uterus a baby sometimes touches his face with this nails.
  • Layer of fat keeps growing underneath the skin. This is so because it is preparing to keep a baby warm after its birth. Although a baby’s basic systems and organs are nearly complete, it still requires gaining lot of weight. A baby after birth loses some of its baby weight in first week itself as it uses extra energy to perform vital functions. But there is nothing to worry about as he/she generally gains the required amount in two to three weeks because of nutrients in mother’s milk.
  • Development of bone continues as they keep on hardening in different body parts. This is a gradual process and requires some time. However, one part remains soft and that is skull as it does so to enable proper development of bone. One other important reason for this is that it is easier for a soft head to pass through birthing channel than a hard head.
  • Baby at 35 weeks is nearly 46 cm or 18 inches in length and its approximate weight is 2.38 kg or 5.25 pounds. From 35th week onwards primary focus of a baby is in gaining weight instead of growing in its size because he/she has already achieved normal length by this time.
  • A baby in his/her 35th week continues to perfect the art of sucking as it will help him in finding nourishment after birth. A mother can also keep track of her baby’s patterns of sleep with set wake and sleep cycles. Although patterns during daytime and night often varies.
  • In 35th week a baby gets even less space for active movement and hence kicking, punching and somersaults are reduced to certain extent. Moreover he/she prefers sleeping during this time.
  • In most cases, a baby has attained his/her birth position of heads down with limbs crossed over chest. It moves downwards in pelvis for preparation of birth. Babies who are in breech or transverse position can be turned by applying pressure at certain places on a belly.

My Symptoms at 35 Weeks Pregnant

Following symptoms are found in an expectant mother at 35 weeks of pregnancy:-

  • Insomnia as a mother is restless because of advanced pregnancy
  • Mood swings are very common and stress often leads to depression
  • Nasal congestion and nosebleeds
  • Stretch marks on thighs, breasts and abdomen
  • Itchy skin near abdomen, breasts and thighs either with rashes or without them
  • Varicose veins
  • Hot flashes and chills
  • False labor pains
  • Numbness in fingers and hands
  • Cramps in legs
  • Swelling of feet and hands
  • Breathlessness with tightness and pain in chest
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn and indigestion
  • Pain in pelvic region, Round ligament, back and joints

My Ultrasound at 35 Weeks Pregnant

A doctor may suggest an Ultrasound in 35th week of pregnancy. Scans performed will show a baby in numerous postures like sucking his thumbs, yawning, moving his legs and arms and trying to grab umbilical cord. An ultrasound scan will reveal a baby that is nearly as same as on the day he will enter this world after leaving his mother’s womb.

A scan also helps a doctor in determining the exact position of a baby. By this week a baby has taken his proper birth position of heads down with limbs crossed over hi/her chest. In case a baby is in transverse or breech position, it will be revealed to a doctor through Ultrasound. It now depends on the medical practitioner whether he will try to rotate baby’s position to normal one or will go through C-Section.


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Stephanie McClane

Stephanie McClane is a mother of three and enjoys sharing the knowledge she gathered throughout her pregnancies. After approaching her last two pregnancies from a more holistic prespective and having two natural births, she was inspired to share her experiences with other moms-to-be.

Published by
Stephanie McClane
Tags: month 9 pregnantThird Trimesterweek 35 pregnant

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