Categories: Pregnancy Week By Week

What to Expect in Week 30 of Your Pregnancy

Thirtieth Week of Pregnancy: Week by Week

Third Trimester27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

A woman is in her 30th week of pregnancy and now she has stepped in her seventh month’s last week. Reaching this week is a major accomplishment as delivery date seems quite near because it is just 10 weeks away.


What to Expect in Your 30th Week of Pregnancy

When a mother reaches her pregnancy at 30 weeks, it is not only she who takes a sigh of relief but actually it is the fetus, who has reached a major milestone. If circumstances lead to delivery at this stage then chances of baby’s survival are nearly 92% and that to without any complications. Yes, intensive care is needed but only as a precautionary method.

At 30 weeks a mother finds her uterus at least four inches above her belly button. During her third trimester, she usually gains one pound of weight every week. This is the time when growing belly shifts her center of gravity and loosens her muscles and joints.

This makes her clumsy and chances of tripping, bumping in to things and letting things fall is now part of her pregnancy. It is advisable to take proper precautions and walk slowly and with ease so as to prevent any mishaps. She must always wear loose clothes and flat shoes to make herself comfortable and safe.

Your 30 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound

If a doctor suggests you for 30 weeks ultrasound it is better to do so. 30 Weeks pregnant ultrasound video will show a very active baby. He/she will be moving a lot inside a womb and it will continuously try to grab something and in most probability his feet or the umbilical cord with help of his hands that have developed fully.

Must Read: 6 Months Pregnant Ultrasound, Symptoms, Belly Size

Week 30 Fetal Development

At 30 weeks, a baby has almost completed most of her functions and all its organs are in place. Still these last few weeks will add strength to a fetus and complete all its body functions so that it will be ready to arrive in this world and survive on its own. Following are some important developments of Baby at 30 weeks:-

  • At 30 weeks brain cells continue to mature at a faster pace and it is very important for development of fetal brain. Indentions and wrinkles on surface of a brain become more prominent as they try to provide more space so that more brain cells can be included. At this stage although nervous system is not fully matured but it is in a stage of near completion as it waits for baby’s birth so that neurons may connect with each other with help of synapses.
  • A human body has five important senses and at 30 weeks all of these are active and functional as they are undergoing final stages of growth and development. Vision of a fetus at 30 weeks is near complete and has now reached a stage where he can feel a light source with help of his eyes and follow it when a torch or light shines on a mother’s belly. At this gestational age of 30 weeks, they prefer to keep eyes closed at most times. Even after they come out of womb they need some time to adjust and open their eyes. It may take a few months for them to identify objects that are far away from their face.
  • When a fetus is at 30 week a vital change occurs. During this week, the job of producing red blood cells is taken over by bone marrow. This development helps a baby in self-survival after its birth.
  • At 30 weeks, white layer of fat persists in forming underneath the skin and this provides the baby a chubby and plumb look. Skin turns suppler and smooth skin folds which were loose now starts filling out gradually. Eyelashes of a baby become fully mature and his fingernails start reaching fingertips.
  • During this week a baby’s movements are no longer light, unsure and fluttery. Instead he/she is in a very active mode. He continues to punch and kick with enough vigor and strength and this can cause a bit of discomfort to a mother. By this time a mother is aware of a baby’s movements and it is better to count them for future references and for determining the well-being of an unborn child.
  • At 30 weeks, a baby has time to change his position as it suits him. If a baby is in a transverse or breech position then it is normal. He still has enough time to change his position once again for birth.
  • A baby at 30 weeks is nearly 39.9 cm or 15.71 inches in length and he/she weighs nearly 1.3 kg or 3 pounds.

Your Pregnancy Symptoms During week 30

Following are some symptoms of a woman faces during 30th week of her pregnancy:-

  • At 30 weeks a woman is in her third trimester and her belly is huge. Tiredness and fatigue are part of normal routine at this stage
  • Throbbing in areas like back, hip, jaw and knee
  • Stretch marks are visible on belly breasts and thighs
  • Breasts become tender and swollen and nipples may sometimes leak a thick fluid that is yellowish in color. This is nature’s way of preparing a mother for breastfeeding
  • Pain in round ligament
  • Varicose veins are common during third trimester
  • Volume of blood generally increases and this along with water retention causes swelling in feet and ankles
  • Pain in tailbone
  • Frequent urination is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy
  • Severe pain in pelvic region
  • A woman has difficulty in having a sound sleep during b30 weeks of her pregnancy
  • Growing uterus and changes in levels of hormones causes loss of appetite in some women
  • Depression in some women is seen at this stage as she suffers from acute mood swings
  • Itchy skin is seen around stretch marks or on limbs. It changes to rashes if not cared properly
  • Breathlessness
  • Bloating and gas
  • Constipation and heartburn
  • As uterus puts undue pressure on ribcage it causes pain and discomfort in ribs.


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Stephanie McClane

Stephanie McClane is a mother of three and enjoys sharing the knowledge she gathered throughout her pregnancies. After approaching her last two pregnancies from a more holistic prespective and having two natural births, she was inspired to share her experiences with other moms-to-be.

Published by
Stephanie McClane
Tags: month 8 pregnantThird Trimesterweek 30 pregnant

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