Categories: Pregnancy Week By Week

What to Expect in Week 17 of Your Pregnancy

Seventeenth Week of Pregnancy: Week by Week

Second Trimester14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

At 17 weeks pregnant, you may start to experience some new symptoms. From stomach pain to stuffy nose, this week may bring along some surprises.


Symptoms / What to Expect

During this week, stomach pain may become an issue. This pain is often harmless, and is technically called round ligament pain. Your ligaments are literally stretching and growing to support your growing belly. But if you are ever concerned about any pain you are feeling, there is no harm in giving your doctor a call to make sure all is ok.

Some symptoms you may experience during this week include:

Week 17 Ultrasound

A 17 week ultrasound will reveal a slew of exciting things. When you take a peek at your baby, you may see that it can actually suck it’s thumb at this point-how cute. Baby’s circulatory system and urinary tract are working, and she is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid as she learns to breathe.

Your baby is starting to form more fat right now, which is important to help it regulate body temperature. And who doesn’t love seeing new baby fat rolls?

The Pregnant Belly at 17 Weeks

A 17 week ultrasound will reveal a slew of exciting things. When you take a peek at your baby, you may see that it can actually suck it’s thumb at this point-how cute. Baby’s circulatory system and urinary tract are working, and she is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid as she learns to breathe.

Your baby is starting to form more fat right now, which is important to help it regulate body temperature. And who doesn’t love seeing new baby fat rolls?

Babies Development

Your baby is more than a little ball of cells at this point. It is starting to develop in amazing ways. The cartilage in your baby’s body is hardening and turning to bone, sweat glands form, and it is practicing her suck/swallow skills (important for breastfeeding).

Shopping List

A full-body pregnancy pillow can help you find a comfortable spot to sleep now that your belly is starting to grow.

Investing in some argan oil some toxin-free lotion to rub on your belly may help you manage any stretch marks that may appear. Incorporating collagen into your diet may help too.


Keep a running list of all of the questions you may have for your next ultrasound

Consider meeting with a lawyer to discuss a plan for catastrophic events. Life insurance is a good idea to consider too.

Htag Conclusion/Final Thoughts/ Summary At 17 weeks of pregnancy, you are in full swing of your pregnancy journey and are surely getting excited about becoming a mom in a few months. Holding your new bundle of joy will certainly make up for the uncomfortable nights and the stretch marks. What gets you most excited about when thinking about becoming a mom? Let us know below!


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Lauren Manaker

Lauren Manaker is an award-winning registered dietitian, certified lactation counselor, and book author. She sits on the executive committee of the Women's Health Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is on the Breastfeeding Advocacy committee. Lauren is an infertility survivor, mom-of-one, rescue pup lover, and wife to a very lively husband. She lives in Charleston, SC.

Published by
Lauren Manaker
Tags: month 5 pregnantSecond Trimesterweek 17 pregnant

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