Categories: Pregnancy Week By Week

What to Expect in Week 11 of Your Pregnancy

Eleventh Week of Pregnancy: Week by Week

First Trimester3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

At 11 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing quickly inside your belly. These next few weeks are a period of rapid growth. Your placenta is growing too to support the baby’s needs. 


Symptoms/What to Expect

You may start feeling more hunger around this week. As you get closer to the 2nd trimester, your morning sickness should decrease. The baby’s nutrient needs are also increasing, so more energy is needed to keep you both healthy. If you feel bloated, continue eating small meals throughout the day instead of three larger meals. 

You may notice changes in your hair. This could be hair on your head, or body hair. It may grow faster or thicker. The texture of your hair might even start to change. Your nails may have similar changes. 

You may experience 11 week pregnancy cramping as well. These cramps may be due to your uterus stretching at your 11th week of pregnancy. This is totally normal, and nothing to be concerned about. These cramps may be similar to menstrual cramps and are a sign that your body is doing what it is supposed to do. 

If your morning sickness has subsided, or was never severe, you may start noticing weight gain. Most women gain 3-4 lbs during the first trimester, but everybody is different.

Some common symptoms you may experience include:

Baby’s Development

Your baby is now about 2 inches long! While skin is not fully opaque, baby’s bones are hardening, and genitalia are forming. 

Belly Size

Your lower belly may be continuing to stick out slightly. This can be due to baby’s growth, but also from bloating.

Your Baby’s 11th Week Ultrasound

The baby’s limbs will start to catch up and grow faster than their head, so they will start to look more like a baby. 


If you work outside the home, start thinking about and preparing for your maternity leave. If possible, find out what your company’s policies are. 

Start taking a look at which classes are available either online or locally that can help prepare you for your new normal. From CPR classes to baby bootcamp, there are plenty of options for you to choose from.

Consider talking to your human resources representative and boss at work about your pregnancy if you haven’t done so already. Set up a time to learn about how your employer handles maternity leave.

Continue to take your prenatal vitamin

If you are not experiencing nausea or food aversions, aim for eating low-mercury seafood 2 times per week to support baby’s growth and development

As baby’s needs increase, you may start needing to eat more. Focus on protein to fill you up and keep you full. Vitamin C containing foods are important to keep you healthy as your immune system function is changing. 

Shopping List

Think about clothing that can have many wears. A top that can be worn with jeans or leggings, a dress that can be dressed up with sandals or down with sneakers.

Due to the vaginal discharge that you may be experiencing, investing in some panty liners is a good call – especially if you are out and about during the day.

A heating pad is a nice item to have on-hand if your lower back is bothering you and giving you any grief. After a long day on your feet, there is nothing like having some heat to give those aches some relief.

At this point of your pregnancy, you are rounding the corner of entering the “golden months”, the time where pregnant women often start feeling more energetic and less nauseated. Enjoy this time and keep taking care of yourself. Have you noticed any new symptoms this week? Share below!


This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Lauren Manaker

Lauren Manaker is an award-winning registered dietitian, certified lactation counselor, and book author. She sits on the executive committee of the Women's Health Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is on the Breastfeeding Advocacy committee. Lauren is an infertility survivor, mom-of-one, rescue pup lover, and wife to a very lively husband. She lives in Charleston, SC.

Published by
Lauren Manaker
Tags: First trimestermonth 3 pregnantweek 11 pregnant

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